Creating significant healthy organizations.

Creating significant healthy organizations.


Creating Significant Healthy Organizations, Founded in 2017

Co-founders Rob Viland and Scott Cleveland met while volunteering on a leadership committee in Kalamazoo, Michigan in 2009. Since then the two have shared experiences working together to better the community and surrounding organizations. The Rob Viland Group was founded to help Credit Union Organizations get back to operating, thinking, and developing others in a healthy environment with the vision on becoming significant. 

The Rob Viland Group will provide Credit Unions with the resources and training they need to become healthy and significant including:

  • Net-worth Restoration Plans

  • Strategic Planning Sessions

  • Leadership Development

  • Social Media Education

  • Executive Board Education

  • Industry Technology Education

Get in touch with us, or use the contact form at the bottom of this page to enquire whether our services are right for you.

Areas of Expertise


We at the Rob Viland Group will create a strategic plan that will maximize success for your organization. We will generate peer analysis on credit union trends by asset size, a road map for the future with core objectives, and analyze key ratios to make strategic decisions.

executive board education

We at the Rob Viland Group will develop simple strategies by developing your executive board to enhance awareness of todays rapidly changing market. We will customize a plan based upon the needs of the organization. 

Net worth restoration

We at the Rob Viland Group will develop a plan to restore your organization to profitability. Through our experienced team we will create a complex and in-depth plan that will create a process to improve net worth requirements.

social media education

We at the Rob Viland Group will educate and train your organization on the importance of social media engagement. We will provide hands-on training presentations that will set core objectives to increase your organizations social media presence and awareness. 

leadership development

We at the Rob Viland Group will develop leadership skills in your organization by using John Maxwell Principles. We will create personal growth strategies, a culture of passion for leadership development, and focus on growing your organization everyday.

industry technology education 

We at the Rob Viland Group will develop your organization to understand the importance of cybersecurity and other IT related trends effecting your organization. Through hands on training and presentations we will create a technologically advanced and healthy organization.


“Everything rises and falls on leadership, but knowing how to lead is only half the battle. Understanding leadership and actually leading are two different activities”
— John Maxwell


Let's Chat.

We are here to answer any questions you may have to provide you with the best service possible. You can expect a response back within 1-2 business days.